SOLD OUT????!!!!!
Eyes popping, jaw dropping!! how ? when?
What do you mean you have sold out?
Are you sure you can’t take an exception? (This was Naomi a few years ago)
Am sorry my dear, I responded , worship harvest events sell out so fast, next time try to buy a ticket early.
hooooooo but why? (Don’t be Naomi) why was she procrastinating about getting a 10k ticket? I mean its like she was waiting for the money to slowly pile up……oh well. lesson learned!!( Get your Ticket Today)
I am going to assume we have either been told these words, know someone who has been told these words or are about to encounter the words . I kid you not, worship harvest events sell out like a holy water !! hahahahahhahahhahahahahaha
This time when the rumor about an album launch started spreading, i got myself a booklet , yes, you heard right. I need that many tickets because I am looking forward to attending the Concert with as many of my people as possible. The Tickets are out and yes,,, I had a whole booklet in my possession. Right now I don’t have even a single ticket. Rumor has it still, that I can get myself another booklet so my aim for this week Is to reach out to my source and get me some extras. why go through all this hustle when the concert is still twenty something days away? The Phrase ” we have sold out!!”
I have known worship harvest events to be ballistic , words have failed to describe this thing that keeps me awake. Thinking of what it will look like, feel like, my God !! I have not been this excited in forever! I am super excited .
See I love my country, I love my city, i love Ugandans. I have had the rare opportunity of visiting about 70% of all the districts (original ones ) of Uganda. This nation is blessed. It is so beautiful . You can not exhaust the awesomeness of my land. The weather, the people, the lakes , mountains, wild life , the diversity, the hand of God upon this Land, I say what , I leave what? And when i listened to the new release #OurGodReigns, my heart leapt with joy. My eyes began to see the great things that God is doing in our Land, i began to #PITS (pray in the spirit), to sing over my country songs of deliverance, songs of love, songs of the promise to Abraham,” through you all nations shall be blessed” This went on longer than I can narrate and now i know why.
The prophetic . That’s it. The time has come for us to speak things that are not as though they are. To declare the good news of the gospel over this City, this country. To bring healing to the sick. Sight to the blind. Liberty to the bound . Our God, he reigns in this nation and You alone have the power to change how this nation, this country , this people is perceived . Knowing that all we are is the Righteousness of God. That our God reigns .That he cares For you, for us even when we are overwhelmed. We know that we can approach the throne as men and women of Prayer. In His presence , we just keep wanting more and better because there is No other name that can make us as whole as HE. All that we are desires to be like Him all the days of our Lives and imagine what that looks like! As for me and mine, we will always worship Him.
We are all prophets, called to proclaim God’s word. Open your mouth and begin to proclaim life and good health over this nation. Arise and speak healing over this city. Step out and proclaim the year of the lord. Our God Reigns!!!
See you at the concert ( Worship Harvest Naalya August 4,5,6 – 7 pm) as we speak life over this Nation.